Business Operations


  • Culture
  • | Safety and Security

Soft Targets? I Disagree.

Independent schools aren’t “soft targets” that need to be hardened. We are learning communities that need to be safe for our students.
3 min read
  • Extended Day
  • | Summer Camp

5 Steps to Building a Successful Auxiliary Program

Worries about rising tuition and changing demographics resulting in fewer potential students have led more independent schools to consider auxiliary programs as a viable way to boost revenue and admissions efforts. A fiv
2 min read

Safety & Security  

  • Risk Management
  • | Safety and Security

Safety & Security: Arm Our Schools’ Security Guards?

Rising incidence of campus violence moves an uncomfortable discussion to the fore.
4 min read
  • Food Service

The Main Course

Schools uncover new strategies for making dining a winner — nutritionally, reputationally and financially.
10 min read
  • Enrollment
  • | Facilities

Building Enrollment This item is protected.

Imaginative and strategic repurposing of underused spaces shows how modest budgets can strengthen enrollment, reinforce mission. 
9 min read
  • Culture
  • | Facilities

Every Inch a Learning Space This item is protected.

Multi-use learning spaces pay off for schools that think flexibly about their programs and resources. “A building doesn’t necessarily have to be cutting-edge architecturally to be cutting-edge pedagogically.”
13 min read
  • Legal
  • | Technology

Schools Scramble to Comply with EU Privacy Law

Technical staff at many independent schools are working hard to meet the May 26 deadline for compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), a European Union law that regulates the way organizations handle
2 min read


  • Risk Management
  • | Safety and Security

Strategies: Keys to Great Security Guards? Care and Training

The case for extending education and professional development to our schools’ security officers.
5 min read
  • Facilities
  • | Leadership

Town and Gown and Common Ground This item is protected.

Neighbors have the power to make or break schools’ expansion plans. “It’s mission-critical to be active with the town.”
12 min read
  • Leadership
  • | Safety and Security

Standing for Student and School Safety

Growing list of independent school associations urge officials to take action against guns.
1 min read
  • Facilities

Humble Building, Grand Students: Scenes from a Nashville School Tour

University School of Nashville — one of five schools on tour — reminded 2018 Annual Meeting attendees that old buildings can be renewed again and again.
2 min read
  • Crisis Management
  • | Safety and Security

Ready for Anything: Preparing for Campus Emergencies This item is protected.

Following a year of widespread natural disasters, independent schools update their crisis management plans.
13 min read

CEO Notebook  

  • Risk Management
  • | Safety and Security


Schools are demonstrating a heartening show of unity to prevent further gun violence.
3 min read
  • Facility Rental

Facilities Rentals: Risks and Rewards

Is the risk of renting your school's facilities worthwhile? And what should independent schools include in and exclude from facilities rentals agreements?
3 min read
  • Crisis Management
  • | Facilities

Wildfires Shut Down Independent Schools in Southern California

updated December 11 | As the massive wildfires in southern California continue to burn, hundreds of schools remain closed, including some that had been designated as safe havens for others. Among recent responses, the Th
1 min read

CEO Notebook  

  • Facilities
  • | Planning

On the Ground with Facilities Leaders

Our facilities colleagues have a lot to teach us. Bring them to the decision-making table sooner rather than later.
3 min read


  • Budget
  • | Technology

Strategies: Budgeting Ed Tech with Confidence

Are teachers actually using the ed tech tools your school supports?
3 min read
  • Environmental Sustainability
  • | Facilities

10 Steps to a Successful Energy Management Program

From the archives: Sensible tips that take the whole campus into account.
13 min read

Mission & Motivation  

  • Leadership
  • | Technology

Mission & Motivation: A Place at the Leadership Table for School Technology Directors

Technology has become too integral to school operations for it to be compartmentalized.
4 min read

5 Minutes with  

  • Leadership
  • | Technology

5 Minutes with Richard Oliver: Taking Risks, Moving Forward

A pioneer in online learning discusses how his institution found its sweet spot, achieves 96 percent student satisfaction and embraces the automated advantages of true “digital” education.
9 min read


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