Business Operations
  • Environmental Sustainability
  • | Facilities

Working Wellness into School Facilities: 4 Trends

Wellness features and healthy design offer simpler, more flexible community spaces where students can relax and restore from the increased stresses of everyday life.
4 min read
  • Facilities
  • | Pandemic

Using Pandemic-Related Government Funding To Purchase Portable Air Purifiers

Investing in commercial grade air purifying systems can help protect your school’s “danger zones” — from cafeterias to locker rooms to the nurse’s office.
4 min read

Risk & Compliance  

  • Cybersecurity
  • | Risk Management

Bracing for a Tumultuous Cyber Insurance Marketplace

Five ways to better position your school for lower rates — and protect your network from cyberattacks.
7 min read
  • Leadership
  • | Technology

Other Duties as Assigned: Coaching the E-Team

Esports are like others sports and also not, which is their appeal for this business officer.
5 min read
  • Facilities
  • | Leadership
  • | Risk Management

Announcing the 2022 Recipients of the Distinguished Business Officer and Outstanding School Support Awards

Every year since 1999, NBOA’s Ken White Distinguished Business Officer Award has recognized an exceptionally active and inspiring individual who has dedicated their career to the support of others within our community. A
5 min read


  • Human Resources
  • | Technology

Strategies: School Culture and the Cloud

Encourage acceptance of — and minimize resistance to — remote hires or cloud-based processes by engaging in these distinct steps.
8 min read
  • Hiring
  • | Risk Management
  • | Technology

What Don’t I Know? The Importance of Social Media Screening

Amber Stockham: What can a school learn from a social media check?
5 min read
  • Financing
  • | Investments
  • | Technology

FAQ: Cryptocurrency and the Business Office

What business officers need to know about the latest changes in technology and digital strategy.
3 min read
  • Facilities

Clean Air: Ventilation Is the Foundation

Ventilation improvements and regular inspections can lower the risk of infection on campus.
6 min read
  • Risk Management
  • | Technology

School Wide Web This item is protected.

As technology grows more complex, it’s increasingly important that schools include tech leaders at the highest levels of school decision making.
12 min read


  • Risk Management
  • | Technology

Strategies: A Multilayered Approach to Cybersecurity

An effective approach considers data, devices, software, employee training, backup systems and crisis management.
8 min read


  • Pandemic
  • | Technology

Projections: The Next Iteration of Independent Education

School will likely look different in coming years, in everything from our markets to our staffing approach to the ubiquitous touch of technology on and off campus.
8 min read
  • Audit
  • | Technology

The Future of Auditing in Schools

With careful planning, a mostly remote audit can improve teamwork and more meaningful communication between auditors and school staff.
7 min read
  • Environmental Sustainability
  • | Facilities

Finding Financial Gains with a Lower Carbon Footprint

Schools looking to reduce energy consumption can begin conservation measures now with low-hanging fruit, and extend their savings with a well-conceived plan.
5 min read

Safety & Security  

  • Pandemic
  • | Safety and Security

Safety & Security: Coming Out of the Storm

Strong emergency communications and visual alerts helped one school manage a safer return to campus.
4 min read


  • Diversity and Inclusion
  • | Facilities

Strategies: Holding Ourselves Accountable

As the pandemic drives more students to independent schools, business officers need to focus on big-picture strategies for tuition policies and other factors.
4 min read
  • Leadership
  • | Technology

Award Winner Spotlight: Quentin Voyles, Saint Edward's School

Voyles has formed strong and trusting relationships with faculty, which has led to piloting new classroom technologies and continual improvements in delivering education.
2 min read

5 Minutes with  

  • Diversity and Inclusion
  • | Facilities
  • | Summer Camp

5 Minutes with Karen McCann McClelland and Nat Saltonstall: Masters of Innovation

Against the backdrop of the pandemic, summer and auxiliary program directors take on more diverse roles while looking for new ways to add value.
9 min read
  • Facilities
  • | Planning

Plan for Success: Campus Master Planning This item is protected.

Developing a tactical campus master plan begins with a future vision of the institution that realigns facilities with mission.
13 min read

Risk & Compliance  

  • Hiring
  • | Risk Management
  • | Summer Camp

Risk & Compliance: Avoiding the Summertime Pandemic Blues

What schools need to know as they enter the summer camp hiring season.
6 min read


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