Business Operations
  • Technology

Tech Insider: Google Keep and FitDesk

Tech to get organized and fit in the business office.
2 min read
  • Facilities
  • | Human Resources

Anticipating Retirements, Gleaning Institutional Knowledge: One School’s Approach

When key financial officers and facilities personnel retire at the same time, how do you prepare the school for the transition? 
2 min read

CEO Notebook  

  • Facilities

Bricks and Mortar in the New World Order of PreK-12 Education

Our schools’ physical plants must support our value propositions in demonstrable ways that align with the investments we ask families to make.
2 min read
  • Facilities
  • | Software

Tech Insider: PlanGrid

A construction-management app captures key details.
1 min read


  • Technology

Strategies: Antidotes to Email Malaise

Too many emails. Too much time checking them. One school's app-based method for stemming the tide. 
3 min read
  • Diversity and Inclusion
  • | Facilities
  • | Policy

Beyond Bathroom Bills: More Schools Go Gender-Neutral on Restrooms, Policies

Independent schools have always had students and staff whose gender identities do not correspond to their genders at birth, but only recently — spurred partly by national debates over “bathroom bills” defining access to
2 min read

5 Minutes with  

  • Leadership
  • | Technology

5 Minutes with Heidi Vanderbilt-Brown and Sara Kauffman: Data Agnostic

Going where few independent schools have gone (so far), Milton Academy brings on a full-time data analyst to ensure the consistent application of data — trends, assumptions, outcomes — in financial decision-making.
7 min read

Risk & Compliance  

  • Risk Management
  • | Safety and Security

Risk & Compliance: Independent Schools’ Overlooked Risks: Cherished Traditions

They're a part of every school's culture and legacy. They're also fraught with risk.
4 min read
  • Endowment
  • | Enrollment
  • | Facilities
  • | Financial Aid
  • | Leadership

Solutions, Collegiality Light up 2017 NBOA Annual Meeting

More than 1,300 attendees made the Washington gathering the biggest-ever of independent school financial and operational leaders. A recap in tweets.
3 min read
  • Human Resources
  • | Key Technology
  • | Technology

Building a Better Technology Team

From the archives: Education technology is on a fast-moving trajectory. Here’s how schools’ technology department staffing structures can keep pace.
11 min read
  • Facilities
  • | Investments

Lessons from the Trenches This item is protected.

From the archives: Economic recovery drives "a perfect storm" of financing for major construction at independent schools. But there’s a new sense of caution this time.
10 min read

CEO Notebook  

  • Budget
  • | Technology

Going All-In for Technology ROI

Is your school making the most of its technology budget? How do you know if faculty, students and staff are fully utilizing new resources?
3 min read
  • Budget
  • | Facilities

Condition, Condition, Condition: Highlights of the 2015-2016 Facilities Budgeting and Staffing Survey Report

From the archives: NBOA’s 2015–2016 Facilities Budgeting and Staffing Survey Report illustrates independent schools’ struggles to maintain their biggest assets.
2 min read
  • Risk Management
  • | Safety and Security

Risk and Compliance: Leadership’s Role in Creating a Culture of Safety

A four-step strategy for preventing sexual abuse in independent schools.
4 min read
  • Key Technology
  • | Risk Management
  • | Technology

To Text or Not to Text? Recommended Practices for Staff-Student Communications

Texting is where students live. For staff-student communications, schools must develop policies that balance safety with reality.
3 min read

CEO Notebook  

  • Admission
  • | Facilities

Five Critical Factors for Your School's Future

Independent school leaders often ask me for advice regarding what they should be thinking about to help ensure a financially healthy future. It's a tough and important question, with an answer that's difficult to distill
3 min read
  • Risk Management
  • | Technology

Your Money or Your Data

Ransomware is one of the next big threats to school data. “The bad guys are smart but lazy. If I had a choice to go after a school or a bank, I’d go after schools that are woefully unprepared for the skills I bring.”
12 min read
  • Accounting
  • | Facilities

Q&A with Melissa Orth

The chair of NBOA’s Board of Directors reflects on the not-for-profit difference, the CFO-head of school partnership and the omnipresent topic of financial sustainability.
10 min read
  • Human Resources
  • | Safety and Security

A Delicate Balance: Should You Hire a Dedicated Risk Management Officer? This item is protected.

Growing numbers of schools consider adding a dedicated risk manager. “It’s not that the CFO is doing less. It’s just that there is so much to keep up with and do that no one person can do it all.”
10 min read
  • Safety and Security
  • | Trips

Travel Assurance

Rising anxieties over international travel programs have schools stepping up due diligence, buttoning up procedures. “The reality is, there but for the grace of God goes any school.”
12 min read


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