Enrollment & Financial Aid

Stock image of private school student with her head resting on her papers.

Business Intelligence  

  • Budget
  • | Enrollment
  • | Research

Boarding School Enrollment Risk This item is protected.

Day-boarding schools are particularly concerned about lagging boarding enrollment.
4 min read
secure employment concept
  • Employment
  • | Hiring
  • | Marketing

Securing the Workforce: Insights from the 2023-24 NBOA Leadership Academy

To combat teacher shortages, consider pipeline programs, housing incentives, teacher training centers, and targeted marketing.
3 min read
los  Encinos School

Other Duties As Assigned  

  • Admission
  • | Enrollment
  • | Leadership

Development and Daring Do

After a career transition, a dedicated parent volunteer-turned-development officer took on the business office as well when the need arose at her small school.
4 min read


  • Leadership
  • | Marketing
  • | Membership

Making the NBOA Difference

NBOA’s rebranding positions our incredible community as one that is more accessible and approachable to a wider range of school roles and school types.
5 min read
comeback kids feature image


  • Enrollment

Comeback Kids This item is protected.

Two schools, one on the West Coast and the other on the East, have significantly increased their enrollment following sweeping changes.
13 min read
  • Crisis Management
  • | Enrollment
  • | Risk Management

Educational Resilience in Maui's Wildfire Aftermath

In the wake of the Maui wildfires, La Pietra – Hawai‘i School for Girls took swift and decisive action to alleviate the impact on the affected community.
4 min read
stock image of hats

Other Duties As Assigned  

  • Communication
  • | Leadership

Balancing the Books and the Brand

This business officer has overseen marketing and communications when needed — including during the Covid pandemic.
4 min read
kimball union academy


  • Enrollment
  • | Survey

A Match Made in Data This item is protected.

Kimball Union Academy’s enrollment and finance teams share an attention to data that builds the partnership.
3 min read
pulse check stock image

Business Intelligence  

  • Research
  • | Tuition

A Tuition Discounting Pulse Check This item is protected.

Trends in the tuition discount rate, discount types, administering discounts, funding discounts and more.
6 min read
stock image of man holding dice
  • Budget
  • | Financial Aid

Betting on Change in Financial Aid

Leaders in independent school financial aid offer their take on the current terrain — plus NBOA’s Financial Aid Fast Facts sheet.
4 min read
wildflower schools
  • Enrollment
  • | Tuition

Micro Schools Test Flexible Tuition This item is protected.

Wildflower Schools, based across the U.S., have adapted their tuitions to meet community needs and fulfill their missions.
12 min read
  • Diversity and Inclusion
  • | Financial Aid
  • | Research

Telling Our Financial Aid Story

The financial aid plot is shifting as dollars increase and diversity numbers fall.
6 min read
Cheshire Academy
  • Change Management
  • | Enrollment
  • | Tuition

Returns on a Reset This item is protected.

To boost harvest yield, gardeners must prune early growth. Likewise, an independent school may at some point need to cut its tuition or “reset” the sticker price in order to grow net tuition revenue.
12 min read
stock image of arrow on blue background
  • Enrollment
  • | Financial Aid
  • | Tuition Remission

Navigating Tuition and Financial Strategies

NBOA and EMA partner to examine the unique relationship between tuition pricing, financial aid and independent school dynamics.
8 min read
phishing alert
  • Cybersecurity
  • | Enrollment
  • | Tuition

Sophisticated New Tuition Phishing Scams: What Schools Need to Know

Tuition phishing scams pose a growing threat to independent schools and parents.
3 min read
aspen academy 2


  • Communication
  • | Leadership

Optimized, Optimistic Operations & Outcomes This item is protected.

How to create efficiency and effectiveness using the Entrepreneurial Operating System.
11 min read


  • Enrollment
  • | Technology

Leaning Into Online Learning

Digital education can support the independent school business model in two primary ways.
6 min read
stock illustration of regional map

Business Intelligence  

  • Enrollment
  • | Research
  • | Tuition

A Regional View of the Financial State of the Industry This item is protected.

A school’s location can play a role in their financial operations.
5 min read


  • Enrollment
  • | Membership

Celebrate! 25 Years of NBOA: Advancement and the Business Office

A strong partnership between the chief business officer and chief advancement officer leads to better outcomes in all areas of school business, from tuition revenue to planned giving.
3 min read
NBOA members
  • International
  • | Membership

Celebrate! 25 Years of NBOA: Global Growth

Though NBOA has had schools outside the U.S. in its membership from very early days, the mid-2010s marked a period of growth for the organization’s international member base.
8 min read


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