
CEO Notebook  

  • Boards and Trustees
  • | Leadership

Curiosity Creates the Leader

Curiosity may be school leaders’ number one trait to guide our schools through increasingly unpredictable waters.
4 min read
supreme court stock image
  • Compliance
  • | Legal

Post-Affirmative Action, Is Financial Aid Next? This item is protected.

Following the Supreme Court’s decision on affirmative action in college admissions, financial aid practices may receive more scrutiny.
4 min read
Cheshire Academy
  • Change Management
  • | Enrollment
  • | Tuition

Returns on a Reset This item is protected.

To boost harvest yield, gardeners must prune early growth. Likewise, an independent school may at some point need to cut its tuition or “reset” the sticker price in order to grow net tuition revenue.
12 min read

CEO Notebook  

  • Leadership
  • | Technology

Prompted To Lead

Honing our use of generative AI was just one of many takeaways from this year’s NBOA Leadership Academy gathering in Nashville.
5 min read


  • Leadership
  • | Membership

2024 NBOA Annual Meeting: Leading through Disruption: Shawn Kanungo

Opening keynote speaker Shawn Kanungo has helped hundreds of business leaders innovate their organizations’ approaches to finance, technology and workplace culture.
9 min read
investment concept
  • Endowment
  • | Governance

Endowments and Governance: 5 Key Insights This item is protected.

Results from a recent survey reveal best practices for enhancing financial governance and strategies for sustained intergenerational equity.
4 min read

CEO Notebook  

  • Culture
  • | Diversity and Inclusion
  • | Leadership

Healing and Humor in Atlanta

A message of humor and inspiration from 2024 NBOA Annual Meeting Speaker Bertice Berry.
4 min read
Stock image of multiple generations in workforce
  • Culture
  • | Performance Management

Bridging the Gap in Multi-Generational Workplaces

Challenging preconceived notions around age is key to understanding generational differences and fostering a collaborative workforce.
4 min read
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Other Duties As Assigned  

  • Leadership
  • | Summer Camp

Build That Bridge

It's up to the business officer to earn trust with faculty. Teaching is one way to do it.
5 min read
cloud computing stock image


  • Change Management
  • | Technology

Transitioning to a Cloud-Based Student Information System This item is protected.

Data utilization and information management improved significantly thanks to marketing and technology leaders’ collaboration.
4 min read
books stock image

Voices from the Field  

  • Governance
  • | Research

From Numbers to Narratives This item is protected.

Institutional research can uncover critical trends and help schools get ahead of potential issues. Eric Heilman shares how schools might get started.
10 min read
aspen academy 2


  • Communication
  • | Leadership

Optimized, Optimistic Operations & Outcomes This item is protected.

How to create efficiency and effectiveness using the Entrepreneurial Operating System.
11 min read

CEO Notebook  

  • Human Resources
  • | Leadership

Winning Buy-In for a Better Year

With a focus on impact now, we’ll conclude this new school year with a real sense of accomplishment.
3 min read
Artificial intelligence


  • Accounting
  • | Audit
  • | Legal
  • | Technology

DIY AI: Business Applications (Part 2)

AI has never been more accessible, and it will impact every corner of the independent school business office.
13 min read
school children
  • Culture
  • | Technology

Data Tracking That Advances School Culture

Faculty and staff who are empowered to leverage data can tailor interventions and foster a more supportive and inclusive learning environment.
6 min read

CEO Notebook  

  • Culture
  • | Leadership

Leading The Ted Lasso Way

Mastering the art of optimism can empower leaders to inspire their teams, navigate challenges with grace and forge a forward-looking organizational culture.
4 min read
Artificial intelligence


  • Change Management
  • | Leadership
  • | Technology

DIY AI: Key Considerations (Part 1)

AI has never been more accessible, and it will impact every corner of the independent school business office.
13 min read
Howard Richmond
  • Leadership
  • | Membership

Unsung Hero: Howard Richmond, Krieger Schechter Day School

With a commitment to process management, Howard's financial stewardship paved the way for lasting improvements at Krieger Schechter Day School.
2 min read
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Other Duties As Assigned  

  • Culture
  • | Membership

No Child Left Inside

This business officer has helped lead more than 100 outdoor trips for students, from cross-country skiing to mountain biking to backpacking.
4 min read

CEO Notebook  

  • Leadership

I Swam with a Shark — and Returned Invigorated

Shark Tank star and entrepreneur Daymond John can inspire all of us to be better leaders.
4 min read


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