Mission-Anchored Compensation Strategies

Mission-Anchored Compensation Strategies

With support from The Edward E. Ford Foundation, NBOA conducted a major analysis of compensation systems within independent schools across the U.S. and the world. Our newly published resources explore how independent schools structure compensation systems and provide insights into innovative compensation practices.

The resources were developed to address two primary challenges: one, recruiting and retaining quality employees in a competitive job market and two, carefully stewarding a school’s largest expense, faculty and staff compensation, in support of a healthy business model.

The research-based resources on this page are available to all in the independent school community: research findings, an implementation guide, case studies, tools and a schedule of related live programsTo access the resources, you will need to sign in. Nonmembers can use their free account or create one when prompted to log in. Learn more about membership

Additional Resources


  • Mission-Anchored Compensation Strategies Webinar
    Learn about the findings from extensive research as well as the research-based resources developed to support independent school leaders as they leverage compensation strategies to attract, retain and grow a mission-aligned educator workforce. 

Related NBOA Programs

Designing and Implementing a Mission-Anchored Compensation System

Virtual Workshops
August 21, 12:30-4:00 PM ET

Learn more and register

Employment Law Trends Impacting Schools: How to Avoid the Minefields

August 8, 3:00-4:00 PM ET

Learn more and register


A series of NEW virtual workshops on different aspects of Mission-Anchored Compensation Strategies will be held over the next school year. More in August!

Recent Discussions

Have a question or a suggested resource? Please email it to compensation@nboa.org