NBOA Call for Programs

2025 Call for Programs

Submissions are currently closed. Sign up to receive updates about the 2026 NBOA Call for Programs. If you have any questions, please email programs@nboa.org or call 202-407-7140.


The 2025 call for programs supports NBOA's commitment to providing rich and diverse programming across all learning channels. There is no shortage of opportunities to elevate the industry and support your colleagues by sharing your insights and successes. Proposals will be reviewed by the NBOA Program Selection Committee (PSC) and staff to thoughtfully populate:

  • Webinars: one-hour virtual programs that provide timely information and are hosted throughout the year.
  • Sessions at the 2025 NBOA Annual Meeting & Business Solutions Showcase, including:
    • 60-minute concurrent sessions that include a brief Q&A.
    • 75-minute deep dive sessions that offer opportunities for meaningful participant engagement on leadership-level topics.
    • 15-minute goldmine sessions that are well-suited to sharing a single idea or tool.
  • Net Assets magazine articles: published in the award-winning Net Assets magazine, which is delivered in print and online.
  • NBOA partner programs such as the NBOA/EMA Financial Aid Symposium.


Submission Requirements

To submit a proposal for consideration, the following information must be completed by the submission deadline using the Call for Programs platform:

  • Session title and description (View session topic ideas)
  • Presenters' names, job titles and organizations
    Each session proposal may have up to a maximum of three presenters. Please make sure you have explicit consent that each co-presenter will adhere to the presenter requirements (outlined below) when adding them to your submission. Preference will be given to submissions that include presenters who work in independent schools. Submissions from NBOA members are preferred, though membership does not guarantee selection.
  • Recommended delivery channel
    In the notes section of the submission, you may make session reviewers aware of any circumstances surrounding your proposal that make it better suited for certain delivery channels. Flexible submissions have the best chance of being selected for one of NBOA’s delivery channels (webinars, Annual Meeting sessions, Net Assets articles, etc.)
  • Learning objective(s)
    Learning objectives are essential when developing a learning program and are useful in deciding the appropriate instructional methods and allocating time to various subjects. Learning objectives are the measurable outcomes participants should accomplish upon completing a learning activity. When developing the learning objectives, please select specific verbs such as identify, recognize, distinguish, discuss, illustrate or plan. The learning objectives can begin with a statement like, “Participants will learn…” or “The program participant will…”
  • NBOA’s commitment to DE&I
    NBOA is committed to being intentional and taking action to promote diversity, equity and inclusion (DE&I) in its programming. As a part of this commitment, all program submissions will be considered, with priority given to those that feature or seek to represent and address a diversity of perspectives and voices.* NBOA expects that submissions received under the call for programs and subsequent presentations should focus on language and substance that are inclusive and nondiscriminatory in nature. DE&I are important to the individuals who comprise and engage with the association and are critical to our personal and collective success.

    *If your proposal actively supports this commitment to DE&I, please provide any relevant information in your submission (optional).
  • Continuing education field of study and general topic (both to be selected from a list of options)

Each organization may submit a maximum of three session proposals. NBOA reserves the right to exclude presentations that are incomplete (including any speaker information) or directly promote a business or product. We also reserve the right to edit presentation titles, descriptions and learning objectives as well as determine the appropriate delivery channels.


Presenter Responsibilities

If your proposal is selected for the 2025 NBOA Annual Meeting:

  • All presenters/speakers must register and submit payment to attend and present. If your program is selected, you will receive a "speaker code" after you have submitted your signed speaker agreement to NBOA that entitles you to a discounted registration rate for the entire conference. You must use this code when you register to receive the discounted rate. It is the lead presenter's responsibility to advise co-presenters of these responsibilities. Registration opens in October at www.nboaannualmeeting.org.
  • All expenses related to registration (at a discounted speaker rate), including travel and lodging are the responsibility of each individual speaker/presenter. Speakers must make their own travel arrangements and book their own lodging.
  • If your program is accepted, all speakers included on the submission form must be registered and present at the NBOA Annual Meeting. NBOA reserves the right to cancel any program due to speaker substitutions after the program has been accepted. All requested speaker changes must be submitted to NBOA prior to September 30, 2024.

If a proposal is selected for other NBOA learning channels such as webinars, Net Assets magazine (print or online), or partner programs:

  • NBOA staff will follow up with the submitter and presenters to discuss program specifications.
  • Webinars and partner programs are typically presented virtually, in which case no travel or registration fees are required of presenters.


Content Recommendations

As a part of NBOA's commitment to DE&I, all program submissions will be considered, but priority will be given to those which feature or seek to represent and address a diversity of perspectives and voices. NBOA expects that submissions received under the call for programs and subsequent presentations will be inclusive and nondiscriminatory in language, substance, terminology and intended audience. DE&I are important to the individuals who comprise and engage with the association and are critical to our personal and collective success.

The strongest program submissions offer new and different information relevant to innovations in independent school business or that address the most pressing needs facing the industry. For example, the presenter might discuss innovative practices that led to success in its business operations. Alternatively, the presenter could discuss change management processes that have strengthened the school, providing a trajectory for the future. We are also looking for programs that incorporate BIIS data where appropriate and are unique to, or first offered to, NBOA.

Key learning areas include:

  • Accounting, audit, and tax
  • Auxiliary programs/non-tuition revenue
  • Budgeting and financial planning
  • Compensation and benefits
  • Endowment and investing
  • Enrollment and financial aid/discounting
  • Facilities and operations
  • Financial reporting and communication
  • Governance
  • Human resources
  • Leadership
  • Legal issues and other compliance
  • Risk management
  • Strategic/future planning and sustainability
  • Technology and AI
  • Tuition modeling


Submission Help

NBOA uses a third-party event management platform for program submissions. The platform offers several advantages:

  1. You can begin a submission, save your progress, and continue editing it later.
  2. Simplified submission and management of multiple proposals through a single account.
  3. Streamlined review process and improved communication between the Program Selection Committee and submitters.


If you have technical issues, please contact the platform provider:

  • Cadmium Technical Support
    Hours: 9 AM – 9 PM ET, Mon-Fri
    Phone: (Direct) 410-638-9239 | (Toll Free) 877-426-6323
    Email: support@cadmiumcd.com

If you have questions about the call for programs, please contact: