2024 NBOA Annual Meeting Delivers on Community

Energy was high and connections were strong, as evidenced in our photo essay of the event.

Mar 5, 2024

2024 NBOA Annual Meeting band opening reception

Last week, nearly 1,400 leaders in independent school business and business partners met in Atlanta for the 2024 NBOA Annual Meeting. Energy was high and connections were strong, as evidenced in our photo essay of the event below. Keynote speakers Shawn Kanungo, Bertice Berry and Brett Jacobsen delivered stirring general sessions, while peers and industry experts offered valuable lessons in concurrent, deep dive and goldmine sessions. Read more about the meeting in the the CEO Notebook, "Top Takeaways from the 2024 NBOA Annual Meeting."

All in-person attendees will have access to session recordings in mid-March, and there's still opportunity to register for the on-demand package

2024 NBOA AM lunch chat

What a week! I always walk away from the Annual Meeting with so many new friends, new ideas and a jolt of energy and encouragement to keep my head down and plow ahead through the more challenging times, but you still found a way to exceed my best expectations.

2024 AM Bertice Berry meet greet

It was so wonderful to be in community with colleagues, thought leaders and good friends. This 'old dog' learned so much and is soooo jazzed up about everything I learned about AI. I chewed my tech director's ear off this morning.

2024 AM Leadership Academy poster group

What a wonderful Annual Meeting you put on in Atlanta! The keynote speakers and sessions were outstanding... We are already looking forward to New York next year.

2024 AM small group attendees

Great to see all of you at NBOA! What a wonderful conference. I don't know how you do it, other than a lot of hard work.

2024 AM exhibit hall sample

In-person attendees will have access to session recordings by mid-March, and anyone can still register for the on-demand sessions

2024 AM lunch clapping audience


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